北京大學 2016年9月-2022年1月
北京大學 2010年9月-2013年7月
北京大學 2006年9月-2010年7月
2. WHO《數據管理能力框架》(編譯),2023,國家衛生健康委統計資訊中心、世界衛生組織西太區
Zhao Y#, Lu F#, Ding R, Zhu D, Zhang R, Sun SW, He P*, Zheng X*. Prevalence, incidence, and characteristics of autism spectrum disorder among children in Beijing, China. Autism.2024.10. (SSCI Q1, IF=5.2) doi: 10.1177/13623613241290388
Zhao Y, Zhang R, Zheng X*. Underweight, overweight, obesity and associated factors in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder in China. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders.2024,115(7):101204. (SSCI Q1, IF=2.5). doi.org/10.1016/j.rasd.2024.102414.
Zhao Y, Fan H, Zhang R*, Zheng X*. Factors associated with self-rated mental health in mothers of children with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B. 2024. 11. (SCIE Q1, IF=5.1). doi.org/10.1631/jzus.B2300874
Zhao Y, Fan H, Luo Y, Zhang R, Zheng X*. Gender Inequalities in Employment of Parents Caring for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders in China: Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting. 2024. 12. (ESCI Q2, IF=2.1)
Zhao Y, Zhang R, Zheng X*. Socioeconomic disparities in education placement for children of primary school age with autism spectrum disorder in China. Bioscience Trends. 2024. 18(1):73-82. (SCIE Q1, IF=5.5). doi: 10.5582/bst.2023.01319.
Zhao Y#, Lu F#, Wang X, Luo Y, He P*, Zheng X*. The economic burden of autism spectrum disorder with and without intellectual disability in China: A nationwide cost-of-illness study. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2024, 92(2):103877. (SCIE Q1, IF=9.5). doi: 10.1016/j.ajp.2023.103877.
Zhao Y#, Su B#, Zhu D, Guan X, Ding R, Guo D, Lu F*, He P*. Medical service utilization and costs of autism spectrum disorder: Evidence from hospital records in Beijing, China. Autism Research. 2023,16(7):1462-1474. (SCIE Q1, IF=4.633). doi: 10.1002/aur.2970.
Zhao Y, Luo Y, Zhang R, Zheng X*. Direct and indirect costs for families of children with autism spectrum disorder in China. Autism. 2023, 27(8) :2337-2347. (SSCI Q1, IF=6.684). doi: 10.1177/13623613231158862.
Zhao Y, Luo Y, Zhang R, Zheng X*. The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on emotional and behavioral problems of children with autism spectrum disorder and developmental delay aged 1-6 years in China. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2023, 14(2): 1134396. (SCIE/SSCI Q2, IF=5.435). doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1134396.
Yuan J#, Zhao Y#, Lan X, Zhang Y, Zhang R*. Prenatal, perinatal and parental risk factors for autism spectrum disorder in China: A case- control study. BMC Psychiatry. 2024, 20;24(1):219. (SCIE Q2, IF=4.4). doi: 10.1186/s12888-024-05643-0.
趙亞楠, 李智文, 李琳, 關春榮, 殷玉芳, 楊逸凡, 劉靜, 張燕, 彭旦媛, 賈美香*. 我國0-6歲兒童孤獨症譜系障礙篩查患病現狀.中國生育健康雜誌.2023.34(5):423-428.
趙亞楠#, 範慧芸#, 王翔宇, 羅雅楠, 張嶸, 鄭曉瑛*.孤獨症患者過早死亡風險及死亡類型(綜述).北京大學學報(醫學版).2023.55(2):375-383.
趙亞楠#, 羅雅楠#, 範慧芸, 王翔宇, 張嶸, 鄭曉瑛*. 中國2-6歲孤獨症兒童家庭直接經濟負擔研究. 中華疾病控制雜誌. 2021,25(9): 1085-1090.
趙亞楠, 王一然, 羅雅楠, 王翔宇, 張嶸, 鄭曉瑛*. 中國孤獨症兒童早期症狀識別與診斷狀況. 中國學校衛生.2021,42(12):1816-1824.
楊學來, 趙亞楠*. 北京市3-17歲孤獨症住院患者非計畫再入院現狀及影響因素. 中國衛生品質管制. 2024, 31(3): 32-36.
Luo Y, Zhao Y, Wang Y, Liang R, Hong C, Yang Y, Zheng X*. Characteristics and treatment patterns of autism spectrum disorder in China, 2020. Psychiatry Research. 2022, 317:114879. (SCIE Q1, IF=11.225).
Guo D, Wang Y, Zhao Y, Ding R, He P*. Association between toothbrushing behavior and cardiometabolic multimorbidity among middle aged and older adults in North China: a cross-section study. BMC Oral Health. 2024, 24:1333. (SCIE Q1, IF=2.6)
王翔宇, 趙亞楠, 鄭曉瑛*.中國人口罕見病用藥市場的主要問題分析.人口與健康. 2022,296(04):32-35.
王翔宇, 趙亞楠, 鄭曉瑛*.罕見病用藥研發國際經驗與啟示. 中國人口報(理論版),2022-3-21.